Who is Angela Comer-Lam from Easy English for Kids?

As Angela says:

I am a mum of two, and both my children are in their mid-20s and pursuing their own careers. We have been in HK since 2005 so my children grew up here. I started EEK in 2009 as a fun place to learn English after
working in a local kindergarten and seeing how the learning was not fun. We still stand by this rule that children should have fun while they are learning. We have taught early phonics, reading, and writing to many children over
the years, some of whom have not only been at the top of their class but also encourage other children in their classes to read.

After running EEK we see how important it is for children to start their language learning journey as young as possible, with this in mind, we have created a fully digital program aimed at parents with young children from ages 1 to 4 years old.

This program shows parents and caregivers of young children how they can play and have fun with their children so the children are learning.

Make that precious time you spend with your child count. Whether they are English as a first language or a second or even a third language. The earlier we start them on their journey to being bi or multi-lingual the better.

Find & Know More about Angela Comer-Lam and her Education brand




Angela is a member of The Mother/Founder Movement and Community 

She found a great collaboration through an Accountability Match-up with another member of the tribe: Mangala Sachdev




As a core part of the membership, she pledges to shine the light and #payitforward to support other community members.
Click here If you are interested in knowing more about The Mother/Founder Movement & Community. To join us, click here for Association Membership.




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