The face behind Evelyn Bonney Sleep Consulting- Evelyn!


What’s your story?

Hi I’m Evie, a registered nurse, founder of Evelyn Bonney Sleep Consulting, mum of 3 (including twins!) and a certified Sleep Sense™ Consultant. As a Sleep Sense™ Certified consultant, with 20 years of nursing experience I support parents when they need it most.

How & Why did you start your company/passion work? 

When I found out I was expecting twins everything changed. I was working full time as a nurse and pediatric clinic manager and I LOVED my job. I knew I wanted to keep supporting families but I now also needed the flexibility to look after not one but two babies. So, I trained as a sleep consultant and started my own business! I can now be around for my twins but also combine all my nursing experience with what I love the most: Empowering families with knowledge and education so they can enjoy their parenting journey.

How do you bring BALANCE to your roles as MOTHER: FOUNDER: SELF? 

With difficulty! It’s a constant juggle. I have to remind myself daily what to prioritise and allow myself the grace to accept the things that I can’t get to.

Any recent accomplishment you would like to share with us? (personal/professional) 

My Business is one year old and I have started offering group coaching workshops to try and support more families!

What would you like to say to fellow mothers or women thinking of starting a business? 

Do it! Its empowering, hard and totally rewarding all in one!

What are three words you would use to describe your experience of being a Mother/Founder ? 

Exhilarating, rewarding, tough.

Find & Know More about Evelyn and her brand! 

Connect with her.


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