As the leaves turn brilliant shades of crimson and gold, and the air becomes crisp and invigorating, there’s no mistaking that the season of festivities is upon us. The months leading up to the year-end are filled with a whirlwind of holidays, celebrations, and traditions. It’s a time for joy, connection, and reflection. Yet, for busy mother founders, this season can often bring a unique set of challenges, leaving them caught between the magic of the festivities and the overwhelm of juggling their many responsibilities.

The life of a motherfounder is a delicate balancing act on the best of days. Managing a household, nurturing a family, and steering a business venture can be exhilarating, but it can also be overwhelming. When you add the hustle and bustle of the holiday season into the mix, it can become a high-stakes juggling act. This time of year brings with it a beautiful tapestry of celebrations, but it can also mean an increased workload, whether it’s planning family gatherings, shopping for gifts, or handling year-end business matters.

One remarkable aspect of the season is the creative and entrepreneurial spirit that it inspires. Across the world, there are founders who have harnessed the festive spirit to create businesses that not only celebrate the season but also make life easier for fellow mothers and families. These innovative founders have not only embraced the magic of the season but have found ways to share it with others.

Like we have Seema Chand, As a single mother and founder of Rigouts, her story is one of resilience and empowerment. Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship she is driven by her passion for sustainable fashion. Rigouts is her way of making a positive impact, inspiring others to embrace conscious choices and redefine traditional fashion.

And then we also have women like Nivvy, who lives 2 separate lives! A medical scientist by day who travels and trains other scientists on medical devices and medical tests and a dancer and jewelry designer in her downtime. She loves to travel, and enjoys her tea and Punjabi pop music! Her clay based customized jewellery brings with it the spirit of Joy and Celebration!


Then In the bustling streets of Hong Kong, we find another extraordinary mother founder, Nat, who embodies the spirit of resilience and innovation. Nat runs not one but two businesses, each dedicated to improving the lives of mothers and families. Her first venture specializes in health and mental wealth, offering a range of services that empower mothers to prioritize self-care, well-being, and mental health in their daily lives. Recognizing the challenges that often accompany motherhood, she has created services that provides support, resources, and guidance for navigating the intricacies of mental well-being. Her second business, driven by her passion for sustainable fashion, focuses on delivering high-quality baby products. In an era when safety and comfort are paramount, she’s curated a selection of items that not only meet the stringent standards but also ensure that mothers can trust the products they use.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the festive season, we also encounter Kavitha, a remarkable motherfounder with a keen eye for creativity. Kavitha’s passion for art and design led her to establish a business that specializes in colorful portraits and unique home decor products. Her handcrafted creations are a fusion of vibrant colors and intricate designs, each piece reflecting her artistic uniqueness.

Vibhuti Gupta’s return to the fashion industry is nothing short of inspirational. After an eight-year hiatus dedicated to nurturing her family, she is now embarking on a new chapter of her career. Her decision to resume work, fueled by her enduring passion for fashion, reflects her resilience and determination. It’s a reminder that life’s various chapters, including those focused on family, can coexist with professional ambitions. Vibhuti’s story is a testament to the idea that it’s never too late to reignite one’s career, and her return to the fashion world is a celebration of the strength and drive that mothers like her bring to every aspect of their lives.

And last but not least we have Adel, who just celebrated her 365 days in business, made her first hire, and relentlessly works with fellow founders helping them to amplify their brand storytelling on social and build a following of loyal fans. No matter your industry or business size, she brings your brand to life and makes social media easy.

These founders, among others, have not only navigated the challenges of the festive season but have also leveraged their experiences to offer solutions and inspiration to fellow mothers. They understand the delicate balance that comes with being both a mother and a founder and have made it their mission to make the season more manageable and enjoyable for everyone.





If you’re a motherfounder feeling the weight of the holidays, join us on this journey of self-care, time management, and celebration. Let’s embrace the season and create lasting memories with our loved ones while also nurturing our businesses. The magic of the season is within reach, even for those of us with a busy entrepreneur’s heart and a mother’s soul, and the stories of founders like Nat and Seema remind us that it’s possible to not only survive but thrive during this season.




Welcome to our exclusive monthly discount catalog tailored just for mothers, founders, and families, and, featuring an array of incredible products and services crafted with love by our fellow Mother/Founder Members. Let’s Discover fantastic deals and unique offerings that will make your life as a mother even more delightful. Treat yourself and support fellow mothers in their entrepreneurial journeys.

Let’s dive in and explore what this month has in store for you!


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