Who is Sarah Raman from the Fourth wellness?


Tell us something about yourself?

I became a mother during a time when my husband and I were still based in New York, US, while both our families were back in Singapore, our home country. It was a huge transition for us without family close by and having to manage a newborn while recovering from giving birth was not the easiest for me too. However, the thoughtfulness of friends who sent me gifts during that postpartum period helped a lot in my recovery physically and mentally too. Moving back to Singapore a few months after my first child was born, I thought about how people in Singapore don’t know what they can give to a new mom especially when the culture of confinement is quite big and mothers are often well taken care of already. But the thoughtfulness of a gift to the new mother who has been birthed too, not just the newborn, can be so helpful for their recovery and their transition into motherhood too. Hence, the idea for Fourth Wellness was born and I hope that more people would be able to easily find something to gift to the new mom and not just their babies.


How & Why did you start your company/passion work? Did you have a crossroad moment?

I started the company after much consideration of my financials and whether I want to plunge into this without a full-time job. Given the move back to Singapore, I was taking the opportunity to really question the career path that I would like to embark on. Since no job offers came by at the time, and I was able to financially afford starting a small business, plus the fact that there really was this gap in the market at the time, I did not want to waste the opportunity to have a go at starting this business.


What would you like to say to fellow mothers or women thinking of starting a business?

It may be daunting and the thought of juggling your different roles may seem difficult but you can always start small and begin from there. Every step of the way will be part of a learning journey and discovery about yourself and your abilities too, which will be so valuable in the long run.



What are three words you would use to describe your experience of being a Mother/Founder ?

Challenging, Fulfilling, Enriching


Find & Know More about Sarah and her brand! She is an integral member of the The Mother/Founder Movement & Community.

Connect with her.


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