The face behind Linguabox –  Mandy Chen!

What’s your story?

Linguabox Group is an online Mandarin and Cantonese language learning platform, using a proven teacher methodology developed from the combined 30 years of teaching experience of my co-founder May, and myself. We are passionate about helping students master languages in an effective and enjoyable way!

At Linguabox, our experienced native-speaking teachers are dedicated to helping each student meet their unique needs and learning styles, and our online classes make it convenient for students to learn from anywhere with an internet connection.

We understand that learning a complex language like Mandarin can be challenging, but our fun and engaging classes make the learning experience more enjoyable and efficient. We are proud to offer school homework and curriculum support, ensuring our students stay on top of their studies and succeed in their Mandarin classes.

Our 5-star ratings from students and parents speak to the quality of our service and the success of our students. We believe that everyone has the ability to learn Mandarin, and we are committed to providing the tools and support necessary for our students to reach their full potential.



How & Why did you start your company/passion work? 

As experienced educators with a deep-rooted passion for teaching, May, my co-founder, and I firmly believe in imparting our love for learning to a wider student base. Our extensive teaching experience spanning over three decades has enabled us to refine our teaching methodology, which now forms the backbone of Linguabox. Our zeal for teaching has been the driving force behind the inception of Linguabox, as we endeavor to reach out to more students and support them on their Mandarin journey.



How do you bring BALANCE to your roles as MOTHER: FOUNDER: SELF?

During the initial stages of our entrepreneurial journey, we were faced with multiple challenges that demanded a considerable amount of resilience and commitment to surmount. As co-founders and working parents, balancing the responsibilities of family, a full-time job, and managing a business proved to be particularly demanding. However, with the invaluable support and empathy of our loved ones, we were able to navigate some of these complexities and are making progress with achieving a suitable work-life balance.


Any recent accomplishment you would like to share with us? (personal/professional)

Partnering with May (my co-founder) to successfully launch our company based on a teaching methodology that we have developed. We have maintained our vision of teaching throughout the years, and the recognition from our students as well as their outstanding improvements in Mandarin is something I’m very proud of.


What would you like to say to fellow mothers or women thinking of starting a business?

As a businesswoman and a mother, I can personally attest to the fact that motherhood cultivates invaluable qualities that can be harnessed effectively when starting a business. These include strong multitasking abilities, unending patience, unmatched adaptability, resilience, and an extraordinary ability to nurture and grow. Our passions fuel us on this entrepreneurial journey. However, balancing the responsibilities of motherhood and business requires resilience and exceptional organizational skills. It’s crucial to remember that seeking help when needed is not a sign of weakness but a strength. Our authenticity, coupled with the skills we’ve developed through motherhood, can become an integral part of our businesses. When we allow these qualities to shine through our brands, we can distinguish ourselves and create a unique edge in the entrepreneurial world.


What are three words you would use to describe your experience of being a Mother/Founder ?

Passion, Dedication, Perseverance



Find & Know More about Mandy and her brand! Mandy is a member of the The Mother/Founder Movement & Community

Connect with her. 


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