Amreena Jan & her Passionate blog that she runs!

What’s your story?

Well, I’m a full-time superhero mom, donning my cape by day and my writer’s hat by night. By day, I’m a dedicated Growth Manager, steering the ship of a private organization toward prosperity. I specialize in crafting strategies that foster growth, efficiency, and innovation. But that’s not all! Beyond the boardroom, I don a different hat, that of a skilled blogger. My writing style is characterized by its humor, wit, and an inherent sense of fun. My blog is a testament to this, offering readers an enjoyable escape from the mundane. Furthermore, I’m a Content Strategist, adept at shaping brand identities and crafting compelling narratives. This role involves a delicate dance between strategy and creativity, resulting in a symphony of brand success stories. And then there’s the most epic role of all: Mom. Balancing the chaos of work and life is a rollercoaster I wouldn’t trade for the world. It’s a wild adventure, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


How & Why did you start your company/passion work? 

I am a food engineering graduate with a master’s degree specializing in food nanotechnology. My passion for writing ignited at an early age, when my first poem was published in “THE HINDU” during my grade 2. From there till now, I have been a co-author of a couple of scientific books. This fervor for writing took a new direction as I ventured into the world of blogging, where I poured my 3 a.m. thoughts onto the digital canvas. Gradually, I transformed my passion into a profession because I firmly believe in the adage,

Love what you do, and do what you love to survive.

My journey commenced as a content developer and evolved into a content strategist. I also had the privilege of working as a corporate communication specialist in the dynamic landscape of the United Arab Emirates. In addition I wear several hats, including those of a voice-over artist, scriptwriter and a budding artist. Today, I am spreading my wings even further, aiming higher, and assisting brands in their growth journey as a Growth Manager. Throughout this diverse journey, one constant remains – my unwavering love for writing and the art of crafting compelling stories.


How do you bring BALANCE to your roles as MOTHER: FOUNDER: SELF? 

Balancing the intricate dance of work and life is like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. My journey has been an exhilarating adventure, with work as my canvas and family as my guiding star. As a driven professional, I tackle each workday with ambition and innovation, channeling my multifaceted talents into everything I do. But when the clock strikes ‘family time,’ I switch gears with enthusiasm, cherishing the moments with my loved ones. In this ever-evolving journey, I find solace in being resourceful and resilient, constantly seeking creative solutions to navigate life’s twists and turns. It’s a balancing act, no doubt, but it’s one that fuels my passion and allows me to craft stories that inspire and resonate. So, how do I bring balance to my life? By embracing the chaos, cherishing the quiet moments, and finding joy in every step of the adventure. It’s a journey I wouldn’t trade for the world.


Any recent accomplishment you would like to share with us? (personal/professional) 

At work- I’m all about teamwork at work, often dubbed ‘Captain Cool’ by colleagues. Approachable and lively, I believe in creating a positive work environment. At home- But when it’s family time, it’s a whole different game – no work distractions allowed. I’m fully present for my loved ones while pursuing my passion. I deliberately took a career break to savor those precious moments with my little ones. I didn’t want them cared for by anyone else; I wanted to be there for their first steps, first words, and all the little joys in between. I deeply admire moms who balance it all, but I was fortunate enough to take a break. I lived those moments and when I was ready, I came back – better and stronger! So mommys don’t fear the career break. Trust the process and get back when you are really ready for it!

What would you like to say to fellow mothers or women thinking of starting a business? 

To my fellow mommys out there, It may seem daunting to juggle parenthood with entrepreneurship, but remember, you’ve already mastered the art of multitasking like a pro. So, why not channel that superpower into creating something remarkable? Starting a business or chasing your dreams is like embarking on an exciting adventure. Sure, there will be challenges along the way, but every twist and turn is an opportunity for growth. And let’s not forget the immense satisfaction that comes from building something of your own. So, put on your ‘Mompreneur’ cape and take that leap of faith. The world needs more of your unique talents and perspectives. Your journey might not always be smooth, but it will undoubtedly be worth it.

What are three words you would use to describe your experience of being a Mother/Founder ? 

Three words to describe my experience as a mother-founder would be: Inspiring, challenging, and rewarding.

Find & Know More about Amreena and her brand! 

Connect with her.


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