Who is Sara Madera from Plan Creatively?

My Story:

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was sure having a child wouldn’t affect my ambition. Sure, I’d have a kid, but it wouldn’t change who I was! And even after I quit my job during maternity leave, I searched for moments (nap time or after my daughter went to bed) to be myself, not someone’s mom. I was exhausted, yes because I was up all night taking care of a small human, but also from trying to be “the same as I was before.”

Finally, after 4 years of pregnancy and breastfeeding and running a marketing & communications business on the side, I thought I was ready to get back into the full-time work force, out of house and be a working professional again.

I threw myself into work. I took on extra assignments and worked nights and weekends. I was exhausted and stressed at home, often still working when I was there. I quickly grew unhappy and the last straw when was when I got sick that left me unable to leave the couch for months, unable to play and connect much with my active children.

It made me realize that I needed to leave that job, which I did. And I took the next year to heal, both my health and my relationship with my kids. The pandemic actually helped as it forced our time to be focused on our little unit, outside of working hours.

When I talk to new moms struggling with their sense of self outside of motherhood, my heart goes out to them. There needs to be more resources to support this transition — and that’s where I come in.

Why do you do what you do? I became a career coach for working moms during the pandemic, when I realized we were holding up the world. Not enough to have a full plate of work and home life, we also had to become teachers, nurses, epidemiologist and so much more. Women started leaving their jobs because they couldn’t quit their roles as parents, and that’s when I thought—I can help.

I love bringing all of my experiences to my coaching; I’ve had various careers, starting in theatre and events (and opening Hong Kong Disneyland), running an arts education organization, consulting with a school district and running marketing and communications teams across Asia. I’ve moved more than 9 times (about half of those with kids), and these experiences remind me to be open minded to my clients’ goals, as everyone’s journey is beautiful.

I now work with women who are looking to go back to work after maternity leave or a break after kids, moms who are trying to find peace and happiness between the push and pull of work ambition and being the mother they want to be, women who want to change careers after finding their career no longer fits after having kids, working moms who are managing their careers through international moves and moms who are starting their own business, which is a lot of fun.
What would you like to say to fellow mothers or women thinking of starting a business?

My best tip for any working mom is to be clear on what you want for your career, for your family and for yourself. Because it’s impossible to do everything (no- really, it is!), so you have to know what’s important to you, and what’s not. This will allow you to be you, and manage the mom guilt while being your best self.

Find & Know More about Sara and her brand


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