Who is Anna Lees from HealthywithAnia?

As Anna says: 

I am a foodie, my company ‘HealthyWithAnia’ was born from my love of food and a passion for healthy eating.

I believe that healthy eating is much more than just fitting into ‘skinny jeans’.

With my workshops, nutritional programs and corporate offers, I want to show you that a healthy diet can change the quality of your life. Currently I work with busy, working professionals, helping them to manage a successful career whilst maintaining healthy eating. This all started after attending numerous networking events.

Often when introducing myself, a lot of successful entrepreneurs and managers said they are not ‘into’ healthy eating. This was shocking to me, as it sounded as though people were treating healthy eating as a hobby, almost like collecting stamps. It made me realize that there is an urgent need to raise awareness of the importance of healthy eating among working professionals.

Today, I teach how to increase productivity and effectiveness with diet.


Find & Know More about Anna Lees  @healthywithania and her brand



Anna is a Member of The Mother/Founder Movement and Community 

She was also part of a Co-Founder Collective in 2022 with 5 other brands. The co-founder Collective is a 6-week close group program that focuses on collectively doing One Task to GET.WORK.DONE.



As a core part of the membership, she pledges to shine the light and #payitforward to support other community members.


Click here If you are interested in knowing more about The Mother/Founder Movement & Community. To join us, click here for Association Membership.



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