Who is kavitha dashinamoorthi from Ambi Arts?

My Story:

I have been creating art since the age of 10. But I started pursuing art as a business just last year and my son is my biggest muse. Although I am a self taught artist, I’ve been sketching portrait for years. As I draw or paint, my son gets excited and imitates whatever I create. He has grown confident in his creations and inevitability motivates to me to try out new things with my art! My art gives warmth and joy to homeowners who are looking to spicing up their homes with colours! I’m also looking forward to expanding into workshops for kids as art is a great therapy for all!


How do you bring BALANCE to your roles as MOTHER:FOUNDER:SELF? I’m no expert in motherhood or in art so I feel I’m learning these roles along the way. They’re very much intertwined as most of my art pieces tell parts of my story as a woman and a mother. As the only caregiver for my son, I’ve learnt to have prioritize what’s important at that moment.


My Win :
I’m part of a mother artist’s community and as a result, I have my first art exhibition, together with other 22 mom artists at Design Orchard, until 15 June! The chosen art is related ‘I am a mother!’ and how art is used to describe motherhood.

What are three words you would use to describe your experience of being a Mother/Founder ?
Passion, determination and self love influences my role as a mom artist.

Find & Know More about Kavitha and her brand


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