Who is Priya Iyer from KidsMustRead?

As Priya Shares:  

My children were both my muse and laboratory to test tactics to get them to read books.

I loved reading as a child and put in every effort to ensure that my child was a reader. I was hence surprised to discover that other children read less despite having access to the best authors and fabulous books.

Over 14 years, I read, reviewed, and recommended countless children’s books and also conducted (very successful) book clubs for kids.

Parents regularly asked me to recommend books for their kids, and I would shoot the names of books off the top of my head.

To make the book recommendation more ‘scientific’, I set up www.KidsMustRead.com, a platform that helps me share my book recommendations and experience on how parents can help their children read. I know my boys march to a different beat than they alone hear – so I recognize that each child is unique.

Hence, our website has a custom-built search engine where a parent inputs their child’s age, reading level, and interest to get book recommendations that are customized to suit their child. I also conduct workshops for parents on how they can encourage their children to read.

What is KidsMustRead?

Kids Must Read is a social enterprise where we want kids to discover that a love of reading comes with a side order of empathy and confidence. I was also the co-chair of AWA WISE, the professional women’s wing of the AWA (American Women’s Association). Our team of volunteers organized workshops, panel discussions, and networking sessions to help expat women in Hong Kong who are looking for a job, or are trying to reinvent themselves professionally, or want to set up a business.

Find & Know More about Priya Iyer   @kidsmustread and her brand



Priya is a Member of The Mother/Founder Movement and Community and also a core member for the Mother/Founder Manifesto Book Discussions


As a core part of the membership, she pledges to shine the light and #payitforward to support other community members.


Click here If you are interested in knowing more about The Mother/Founder Movement & Community. To join us, click here for Association Membership.



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